
Car and Truck Mechanics LED Stick Lights

Posted by Cam Abernethy on

Auto mechanics for Porsches to trucks have been using our lights for vehicle repairs. The most common models are the 1’ and 2’ models. They are compact enough to fit into small places such as between a radiator and the front of the engine. Need a light to change your spark plugs in a Porsche 911? Here is your solution: Truck mechanics like the durability the light offers. We are not just talking about dropping the light from a high distance such as a truck’s cab but mistakenly running over the light when moving the truck out of the work...

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Nuclear Plant Ice Condenser Work Lights

Posted by Cam Abernethy on

We had a nuclear plant customer ask if we can make a smaller LED Stick Light for their ice condenser work they were performing during their outage.   The ice condenser is a large structure that is around the base of the reactor containment building. (Cutaway shown below.) It is divided into 24 bays. Each bay has two hinged inlet doors in the bottom of the wall between the ice condenser and the reactor containment building. Each bay contains 81 large baskets filled with ice (each 12 inches diameter x 48 feet tall) totaling about two million pounds of ice.  (Photo...

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Fluorescent Trouble Lights and Nuclear Plant Work Don't Mix

Posted by Cam Abernethy on

I have been working in the nuclear power industry for over 23 years. I have been involved in numerous projects from installing steam generator nozzle dams to robotic removal of highly radioactive waste from sites.  During these projects, lighting plays a critical role in the success of the project. Nuclear project factors effected by lighting performance: Personal Safety Keeping project dose low – ALARA Quality of work Human performance errors Maintain Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) Areas Video Inspections Time to complete tasks Fluorescent Stick Lights have been used in the nuclear power industry for decades. If you are an outage...

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Welcome to our New Waterproof LED Stick Light Store

Posted by Cam Abernethy on

We sell proven lighting solutions that were developed from our field experience in the nuclear power Industry. We look forward to sharing our experiences that has helped create the products sell and use. 

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